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Student Accident Insurance

You can't predict when accidents will happen, but you can prepare for them!


The Manitoba School Boards Association and the School Division recommends all parents consider Student Accident Insurance, which provides 24 hour coverage for all accidents at school, home or play. The Student Accident Insurance Program provides coverage for medical, dental, disability or accidental death and dismemberment insurance on behalf of students.

Protection is also provided for dental damage due to accident, fracture benefits, and other important coverages, which are not Government Insurable Health Services.

Some parents/guardians may participate in an Employee Benefits and Group Dental Plan, but many of these plans are limited in areas where Student Accident Insurance is not. We ask that you compare them to make sure you have the coverage you require.

For full details on Student Accident Insurance click here.

Online School Accident Incident Reporting


Parent Purchased Reliable Life Accidental Insurance
Dental Claim Form
Non Dental Claim Form.

School Functions Student Accidental Insurance Claim Form

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